Wednesday, December 9, 2015

The Happiest Place On Earth

The weekend before Thanksgiving we decided to finally take Vincent to Walt Disney World for his first Disney experience.  The memories are magical, and he's still talking about it today.  I am glad that we waited until this age to take him so that he was able to understand everything going on, and interact with us and all of the characters.  

Friday night we took him to the Very Merry Christmas Party.  It was such a fun event, and one that we will definitely come back to and might even become a Florio family tradition.  

Seeing the excitement his face and the reactions he had to everything going on was priceless!

Mickey Mouse stickers and snow, we are all happy!

A run in with his second cousins just made the night that much more perfect!!

The next morning we woke up and headed back to the Magic Kingdom for another fun-filled day full of memories.  Seeing Disney all done up in the Christmas decorations definitely put us in the holiday spirit.  It is a great time to visit the parks, and wasn't as crowded as I expected it might be.  

Our family, plus baby girl :) 

Meeting Mickey Mouse was the highlight of the day.  Vincent was truly amazed and so excited to get to take his picture with him.  It made me so happy to see my boy having so much fun.  In addition to Mickey, we also go to meet Goofy, Donald Duck, Buzz, Jake and Sophia throughout the day.  It was a fun day for our little two-year-old for sure.

We ended our night by heading to Hollywood Studios to see the final showing of the Osborne lights.  It was so crowded, you could barely move through.  Add in a stroller and a toddler and it made for lots of fun trying to navigate the crowds.  This was something that Mike and I went to see when we first started dating, and something we wanted to experience with Vincent before it goes away.  I am glad we went.  

This is the face of a happy boy who just helped mommy finish some yummy ice cream.  To me, this picture captures exactly how we all felt about our little family getaway.  A weekend I think Mike and I will remember forever.  

Bump Update
The weeks are flying by.  More things are being added to my to-do list and the blog post priorities keep dropping down.  These pics are from the last three weeks.  I can not believe I'm already at thirty weeks.  With Christmas and New Years right around the corner, it is going to make the next ten weeks fly by and before we know it, we will be a family of four.  



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