Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Whats Up Wednesday (4/27/16)

It's the last Wednesday of the month and time for another What's Up Wednesday!

On the last Wednesday of every month I'm linking up with Shay to answer these questions:

1.  What we're eating this week...

Working to get back to my pre-baby body, we've been eating well this week!  Last night we had Zoodles and the prior night we had spinach, mushroom and garlic crepes.  During one of my projects to clean out my kitchen, we found a crepe maker that Mike purchased with some of our wedding money, that we had never opened.  We used it for the first time, and they were soo good!!

2.  What I'm reminiscing about...

My best friend got married on April 23, and it was such a beautiful day for her!  Her venue was perfect, and I couldn't have pictured a more perfect ceremony and celebration for the happy couple.  I still can't believe its over.  This month we celebrated the bride with her bachelorette party and then had all of the wedding festivities.  

Such a stunning bride!!

3.  What I'm loving...

The beach time we had earlier this month!!  One of the things I wanted to do during my maternity leave was go to the beach.  We were able to do that when we went to Coral Springs earlier this month.  We spent the day at Mike's Aunt's beach condo at Deerfield Beach.  It was the perfect beach day, and I love these pics of my boys.  

4.  What we've been up to...

Arianna took her first road trip this month when we went to visit Mike's family.   Mike's Grandmother turned 101 earlier this month, so we spent a lot of time with her.  She loves her great grandkids!!

April was certainly a busy month!  With Lindsay's wedding actitivies and our mini-vacation, I didn't find much time to dedicate to this blog.  I am going to be better about that next month.  

5.  What I'm dreading...

Work starts back on Monday.  I'm going to miss my baby snuggles during the day, long morning walks, and afternoon naps.  

Arianna on one of our morning walks

6.  What I'm working on...

Finishing up my maternity to-do list and spring cleaning.  Similar to my time off with Vincent, I had all of these grand ideas about things I would be able to get done during my time off from work, and only about half of them ever get accomplished.  

7.  What I'm excited about...

Memorial Day will be a four day weekend for me, so I'm looking forward to two days off from work and spending time with the family.    

8.  What I'm watching/reading...

I admit, it's been a long time since I've actually read a book.  I recently purchased, Aim True, by Kathryn Budig.  So far, I'm loving it!  She talks about eating right to nourish your body and the book also incorporates some of her favorite yoga sequences.  

9.  What I'm listening to...

I started running again this month, so I've been listening to the Dance Cardio Radio station on Pandora to get me through those runs.  

10.  What I'm wearing...

I found the cutest chambray romper from Old Navy, and I've gotten so many compliments on it.  It was the perfect outfit to wear to get ready for the wedding, and is so light and comfortable.  I know that I'll get a lot of wear out of it this summer.  

11.  What I'm doing this weekend...

Enjoying my last weekend with my family before I go back to work.  

12.  What I'm looking forward to next month...

May is a special month for us, next month we celebrate our 4th wedding anniversary! I can't believe its already been that long. Four years flies when you're having fun, I'm so thankful for my husband.  It is also my nephew's 2nd birthday on Cinco de Mayo!

13.  What else is new...

Our addition is finally complete!  All we need is to pass final inspection.  This project has been something that we've talked about for a couple years, and been working on since October.  I was hoping it would be complete before we had the baby, well....that didn't happen.  But it did get completed before I went back to work, so I'm happy with that.  We still need to organize and decorate, but I'm so pleased with the way it came out.  It makes our house feel like we have more space already.  



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