Wednesday, November 22, 2017

What's Up Wednesday (11/23/17)

It's time for an early link-up for the November What's Up Wednesday.  Usually on the last Wednesday of the month I join the What's Up Wednesday link-up, so here's a little look at what we've been up to this month.   

On the last Wednesday of every month I'm linking up with Shay to answer these questions:

1.  What we're eating this week...
EVERYTHING! lol, its Thanksgiving!

2.  What I'm reminiscing about...
Halloween with my babies.  You can read more about it here.

Last weekend my BFFs husband surprised his wifey, and new mommy, with a spa day.  I was so happy to share this time with her.  We enjoyed a nice brunch, massage and champagne toast!  Being a new momma isn't easy, but she's rocking it!

3.  What I'm loving...
Vincent had one of his first homework assignments this month and it was to decorate the turkey so the farmer couldn't find him.  He wanted to dress him like Chewbacca, and I think he did a great job!

Our little man is obsessed with Star Wars, which means that Arianna is too.  This picture is both of them wearing their Star Wars gear to school one day.  

4.  What we've been up to...
We spent a fun Wine and Dine race weekend at Disney.  We had the best time!  Mike wants to do it every year now :)  Vincent did the kids fun run, and loved it!

(waking up at 3am to catch the bus - NOT FUN!)

 5.  What I'm dreading...
Putting all of the Christmas decorations away.  Since we are out of town for Thanksgiving, I put them up early this year, and Vincent was super into it.  I usually keep them up until after the new year.  I hate taking them down, but am usually ready to get the house back in order. 

6.  What I'm working on...
Gasparilla training starts next month.  It's two races, over two days.  15k and 8k.  A little more than a half marathon, but not all at once, which I think makes it more doable.  Doing another 5k tomorrow for Thanksgiving, I think I've got that distance down.  Long runs start this week.   

7.  What I'm excited about...
I hit a huge fitness goal this month! I have been taking Pure Barre classes since after Vincent was born, but recently incorporating them more regularly into my fitness routine.  This month I entered the 100 Club, and I am so proud of myself!

8.  What I'm watching/reading...
This month I finished, After YouIt took me a while to get into the sequel, but the end had me on the edge of my seat, just like the first.  I would recommend this book and looking forward to the next book coming out soon.  

With my book club, we read (or listened to) The Couple Next DoorNot only does the author spell her name the same way as me, but she keeps the suspense and audience guessing until the very end.  I didn't really like the end of the book, but enjoyed the rest.  

Obsessed with "This is Us" - I knew Kate was going to lose the baby, but I hope that the writers help her recover in a way that will touch so many that I know who've also experienced the devastation of miscarriage.

9.  What I'm listening to...
Loving Lady Gaga's new song, "The Cure" - I'll fix you with my love...if we could fix the world with love, what an amazing place it would be. I've loved this song for a while, and didn't know it was her who sang it.  Added it to my new 5k playlist :) 

10.  What I'm wearing...
What I'm not wearing are the 4 bags of clothes that I finally donated this month.  It took a while, but I made my way through my closet and organized it.  Such a great feeling to get rid of all of that stuff and have room for new stuff.  

11.  What I'm doing this weekend...
Reflecting back on everything we have to be thankful for in our lives.  Relaxing and spending time with Mike's family.  Also watching the biggest rivalry in college football, FSU vs UF.  My Noles have had a lackluster season, but if they could end it on a high note by beating the Gators, that would make my soul happy.  

12.  What I'm looking forward to next month...
Christmas with my family and all of the fun activities we get to share with family and friends!  These pictures are from Christmas last year, and my babies have grown so much since then!

13.  What else is new...
We've been to the doctor three times in the last two weeks with our sweet girl, and now Daddy and Vincent have colds.  Even when she's been under the weather, we've still been able to make the most of the season with her.  

Thanksgiving lunches at the kids school...

Recently, I've discovered that I will never be able to get a good picture of both of my kids at the same time again.  Once one is done being grumpy, then the other one starts to pick their nose...

They've found a new hiding spot...

13.  Bonus Question - What is your favorite thing to do with your elf..
This year we are planning for our elf to come back the morning of the 1st and surprise the kids with tickets on the Polar Express! I know I am so excited just thinking about this. My favorite thing is when ChiChi, as Vincent and Mike named him a few years ago, first makes his appearance.  We always bring a special treat and re-read the book.  This picture is from a few years ago.  I have to admit, I'm not always the most creative with his lookout locations, so I'm looking forward to today's link-up for more ideas.  



Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Workin' It Wednesday - Planning for the Holidays

Happy Wednesday!  Today I'm linking the with Mix and Match Mamma and A Little Bit of Everything for a series where we share how we are working to keep it all together!  

Here is the schedule, in case you want to join in on the link up fun!

You can see my January post about new year's goals here
February post about keeping my marriage strong here
March post about balancing work & home life here
April post about spring cleaning here
June post about keeping kids entertained all summer here
July post about a weekend in my life here
August post about getting school ready here

This is my first Workin' It Wednesday post since August.  Clearly, I haven't been "workin' it" with my blog.  In September we got hit by Irma so we were recovering from the hurricane and last month it just slipped by.  So now we're back for the November link-up and I'm looking forward to see how everyone else gets ready for the holidays and also steal some great ideas!

I love, love, love the holidays!  Just like this meme, I try to pack it full of special moments with my family and admit that our December calendar fills up quickly!  In this month's post I'll share a few tips that help me get ready for the holidays and a fun even that I'm excited about.  

1. Shop early
I start shopping for Christmas gifts in July.  I already have most of my brother's family done :) Doing this helps financially as well as with the time it takes to find those gifts.  I need to try to do more for our kids early, but it's hard with the ages that they're at.  What Vincent wants now will be totally different than what he wants two weeks from now. 

2. Keep up with your exercise routine
It's easy to get off of your health and fitness game during the holidays.  There are more parties to attend, more drinks to be drunk, and more fun to be had.  For me, keeping my workout routine not only helps me feel less guilty during those times I chose to indulge, but it also keeps the holiday stress levels down.  I have found that 30 minutes of exercise a day is all that I need to feel good about myself and see results.  However, I'm not saying you shouldn't enjoy the fun of the holidays, you totally should!  I just like to keep my workout routine to keep me on track while I indulge. 

3.  Plan ahead for fun moments!

I love creating new traditions with my family.  Every year since Vincent was 1, we've attended Mickey's Very Merry Christmas.  After our recent weekend at Disney, I'm not sure if we'll get it in this year, but we've got some other fun events planned.  We're going to kick off the season by celebrating Thanksgiving with Mike's family in Coral Springs.  Trying to decide if we can get our tree and decorations up before we leave.  On December 1st we are taking the kids to a train ride on The Polar Express.  Can't wait for that!! 

This meme was too cute not to include in this post. 



Monday, November 6, 2017

Halloween 2017

Halloween 2017 wast a blast!!  I wanted to share some pictures from our Halloween festivities on the blog today.  

If you love looking at cute little kids in their Halloween costumes, then you'll love this post.  If not, you might be feeling like this...

Either way, I hope everyone had an amazing Halloween with their families.  Halloween is one of my favorite holidays and I look forward to it every year.  We are two happy parents and our kids had so much fun.  I don't think we could have had it go any better for us! 

First up, the annual trip to the pumpkin patch!  Arianna wasn't quite sure what to think, and getting this girl to smile and stop for a moment to take a picture is pretty much impossible.  

Next the kids painted pumpkins and made "dirt" with G and their bestie Mia.  The dirt recipe is so easy, just chocolate pudding, ground up oreos and gummy worms.  

On Halloween, the kids had fall festival parties at school.  This was the first year that they didn't do their Halloween parade for the parents, and I was a little disappointed, but the parties were just as fun.  Arianna got to leave her party and come to Vincents, and get more snacks and food.  She was more excited to eat than take a pic for Mommy.  

This year for Halloween we had Minnie Mouse and Darth Vader.  I got both costumes from the Disney Store, and the kids loved them!  This year Arianna loved trick-or-treating and going up to the candy bowls with Vincent.  When she got tired, she was able to sit in the wagon and chill.  I'm thinking next year Vincent might be too big for our wagon :(

(all of the Vineyards kids at the annual block party before trick-or-treating)

(the best neighbors around!)

We ended the night in Halloween jammies looking through all of our loot! 

